Where has my life gone?

The complete ramblings of a small town girl.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Evil Treadmill.

So I hurt myself. Yet again. And once again I am not sure how I did it - but the Dr seems to think it may be from using my treadmill. Stupid treadmill - I knew it was evil!

My ankle had been bothering me for a few days. It didn't hurt so much as it was just uncomfortable and swollen. After staying off it as much as possible, wrapping and icing it - it wasn't looking any better.

So off to the Dr. I went to have it looked at and Xrays. Apparently I damaged the tendons/ligamnets(I can't remember which) in my ankle. It will be fine - it will just take some time to heal.

The Dr gave me crutches to use - that lasted all of a day. They are hard to use - and tiring. And it is like 10 Billion Degrees here - it is to hot to be putting forth that much of an effort. I was not very good at using them, I was very slow. Plus I am so klutzy there was a pretty good chance that I would break the other leg while trying to use the crutches. So, I just stayed off of it - and I am wearing the ankle brace.


  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ack. That sucks. I hope you are milking this with your boyfriend to make him treat you like the fragile, wounded princess you are and wait on you hand and foot.


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