Where has my life gone?

The complete ramblings of a small town girl.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ha. I am more popular....

Than some of you. I was introduced to a new time consuming web site this week. It allows you to plug in a name and get a number based on popularity. Of of course I immediately went and plugged in my name - and the name of about 500 of my closest friends. Here are some of the results:

Me - 687
Mark - 41,000(Surely this is a mistake)
Laurie - 1,320
Chase - 4,900
Molly - 1,390
Sean - 37(Ha. You got a measly 37 - I beat you!)
Jan - 60,200(Great - this will go straight to his head)
Jodi - 38(considering how much time you spend on the net - I thought your # would be higher!)
Kim - 0(How is this even possible?)
Judy - 599
Ann - 127

I discovered there are some flaws with this program. For instance if you have a common name. How do you know this is your ranking and not some poor schmo in Ohio's ranking?

EDIT: Laurie pointed out that I forgot to tell ya'll what web site this was on. Why does it not surprise me that she was the first one to notice this? www.preople.com


  • At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, what is this website and why are you keeping it a secret?? You know I can't spend all my time watching TiVo. Sometimes I have to vote on Am I Hot or Not? and this popularity thing would really dovetail with that, LOL.

  • At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Also, how did Mark get so popular? I'm JUST SAYING.

  • At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mark!

  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Duh, I will go back and edit to add in the name of the web site. I have no clue how he got so popular. I just chalked it up to the fact that he has a really common name. That must be another Mark's score.

  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DUDE, you totally hung up on me!!!!

  • At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My rank is 10,200! But there are like 800 MILLION Jennifer Xs in the world, so I am not surprised. And a couple of us are published - they're carrying the dead weight like me around, thanks!

  • At 10:11 AM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Jennifer - I need soemone to carry me so I can get a higher number! I am very jealous of your dead weight.

    Laurie - See todays post!


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