Where has my life gone?

The complete ramblings of a small town girl.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Treadmills, Injured Again & Stinky Pee

So many choices
I want to buy a treadmill. So this weekend Mark and I went to look at treadmills. Now, all I want is a treadmill that does its thing and allows me to walk on it. I mean don't they all pretty much do the same thing? Apparently not. There are so many choices. They have shocks, they incline, they fold up, they have fans. It is just too many choices for me. I told Mark to pick one out and that is the one I will buy.

Once again I am on the injured list
For those who do not know me I hurt myself a lot. I am also sick a lot. I seem to catch everything. If a sick kid is within two miles of me, I will catch it. I also get strange stuff for someone my age. Two years ago I had mono(most people get it in their teenage years). I currently have an ear infection in both of my ears, yet again. I went to the ENT Dr. on Friday, he says I have to clear this new infection up again before he can decide if I should have tubes(most people get tubes when they are young, like 5). When the kitchen sink broke last week I slipped and fell and have a very nice large bruise on my knee now.

So this next paragraph should not surprise you.

Sunday morning Mark and I took his mom to Cracker Barrel for breakfast(good bye healthy eating). His mom rode up front and had moved her seat up. After we deposited her at home and I went to get into the front seat I hit my head on the door jam because the seat was much farther forward than it normally is. It hurt like you wouldn't believe. Hurt the whole rest of the day and hurts like heck this morning. Now I have a nice egg on my forehead, at least it isn't bruised. I am an idiot.

Master of the Grill & Stinky Pee
I cooked chicken on the grill last night, without burning myself thank-you-very-much. To go with the chicken I made rice, corn on the cob(fresh, not frozen) and roasted asparagus. Why does asparagus make your pee smell? And how does it work so quickly? I swear if you ate asparagus you could pee 10 seconds later and it would smell. maybe I should do a test and see how fast it happens? Hmm, just another strange thing I wonder about. I am sure this was way more information than you wanted me to share with ya'll.

It is only Monday
After my sucky week last week I was looking forward to this week. Until I got in and saw my schedule. I have meetings all freakin week long. I have a Board meeting and a Committee meeting on Wed & Thur(yes that is two meetings each day). I was excited when I remembered that I have Friday off, until I remembered that I have to go get my new tires put on that day. Blech, not a very exciting week to look forward to.


  • At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i think we might be related. i had that same ear discussion two years ago (when i was 35). i hit my head on the doorjam getting into a cab the other day so hard i almost passed out. i got a "deep bone bruise" in the upper shin/knee area in december and spent two months in PT. it's tough being us, isnt' it? :)

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Yippeee - another person who is as stupid clumsy as I am. We can go to PT together!


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