Where has my life gone?

The complete ramblings of a small town girl.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


This week has sucked. It has beyond sucked. Everything from my personal life to work has sucked. Sucky, sucky, sucky.

The only highlight of my week was LOST. I *heart* LOST. It appeals to my conspiracy theory side. It leaves me guessing. It's just good.

Why are my feet wet?
I used to go home and cook when I was stressed, but my healthy eating has cut most of that out so I thought I would go home last night and clean. That way I wouldn't have as much cleaning to do on Saturday. All I wanted to do was geta little cleaning done, get a shower and sit down and watch LOST.

I vaccumed, did laundry and was just finishing up with my cleaning by washing dishes. Just as I was finishing washing my dishes I noticed that my feet felt wet. i looked downa dn water was pouring out of the cabinets under the sink. Now you woudl think I woudl be smart enough to turnt he water off first, but oh no, I am not that smart. I opened the cabinet doors adn was sprayed down by water. So I then turned the water off(note to self do this first next time) and loked over the damage.

The joint under the sink had let go and had dumped water all over my cleaning supplies and drenching a 20lb bag of dog food. I would have noticed that it was leaking sooner had I not been wearing slippers. They really are very cute slippers. They are pink and fluffy and they have have tootsie pops embroidered on them.

I had to spend the next 30 minutes cleaning it up all by myself because the man of the house was at College. Yet another reason why I should be back in College, then I wouldn't be at home dealing with household disasters. I had to pull out all of my cleaning supplies and carry a 20lb soaking wet(I think once it was wet it weighed about 100 lbs) bag of dog food out to the garbage. Dog food stinks, but it really stinks when it gets wet.

I got it all cleaned up just in time to watch LOST. After LOST I got a shower and when I got out of the shower the man of the house had come home and fixed the sink already.

The sad part is that this was not the worst part of my week.

BTW - The first time I tried to post this it got lost in Blogger Hell. That prompted a phone call to Laurie. Laurie - sorry if I sounded deranged and that it was such a short call. It has been a bad week.


  • At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You did NOT sound deranged! Sorry that I had to start whispering halfway through because the SENSITIVE, terribly busy and important you-know-what shushed me. Oh, and by the way, that turned into a whole thing, where she ended up mad at me because I snapped right back when she got off the phone and then, like always, I had to be the apologizer. ARGH.

    OK, are your fluffy slippers dry yet? And LOST was awesome! Love LOST! And I hope your weekend is better. It was so fun talking to you!!

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Doesn't she know that when a friend calls that you have not talked to in a very long time it requires that you speak in a high squeelly "I am so excited to hear from you" kind of voice? But what else would you expect from someone who does not drink. Sorry we couldn't talk longer.

    My fluffy slippers are now dry. I wore them this morning while watching the tail end of the Pope's funeral(that is all that was on TV) and wondering how anyone can stand so close to him at this point, he must really stink.

  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Newsflash! This just in! The pope is still dead!

    Hey, I had to change my blog. It's the law and all. HATE YOU LAW.

  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Since when does the law stop people like us? But I do agree - you can not loose the job, someone has to feed all of those cats and your wine habit!

  • At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have fought the law. In the past. And, you know ... it won.

  • At 6:50 AM, Blogger Too Busy To Care said…

    Bastard Law. Always trying to ruin a good time.


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